Self-development with Nature

Our workshops are generally offered between April and October.
To know more about our upcoming events
keep an eye on our facebook page or contact us for more information.

 Constellations in Nature

"Finding our belonging in natural systems" 

 Constellation workshops are profoundly moving - they are a deep yet gentle way of gaining greater understanding of ourselves, our families and of the issues which affect our lives. We begin to untangle the relational knots which can originate from patterns of intergenerational trauma and we find more spacious and healthy ways of belong in our family systems. Our human families can also be seen as part of a much larger interconnected web of Life. The natural world is the fundamental ground of our existence, so connecting with its wisdom and regenerative power greatly assists our healing process. Constellations at Heron Meadow may involve the dynamic presence and the energies of trees, grasses, animals, birds, river, clouds or the earth itself, these elements becoming support resources, or ancestral messengers.

Day workshop - £80/person
Constellation Camp Weekend - £220/person

EFL session / Self-discovery with Horses

"Let's the horse be our teacher"

Equine Facilitated Learning is an experiential approach that integrates equine-human interaction that promotes the development of life skills. 
The focus in this work is on non verbal skills to stimulate our felt sense of being and communicate with the animal through body and energy.
Horses respond to our inner intentions and attitudes and not to our outward appearance, or verbal language. They do not care for our stories, or judge us. They help us to stop our rational brain, being great allies for living in the moment.
Because they are very sensitive to the energies and intentions in their
environment, horses pick up on what is unspoken or unspeakable, what we ourselves are not aware of, reflecting the truth of the encounter.

These sessions can include directive or non-directive exercises : grounding meditation and awareness practices, observing horses behaviour and herd dynamics, approaching and moving with the horses, and activities such as breathing in rhythm with the horse, touching the horse… sensory experiences in direct contact with the animal. 

The work is done from the ground. No prior experience of horses is necessary, no riding is involved, and each person work at their own level and rhythm. 

1/2 day workshop - 50£/person
1-1 session - 2 hours - £80 (available all year long)